
Eldritch Hare/Jackalope

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Eldritch Hare/Jackalope


From scratch, optimized model, designed with VRChat in mind. Started with a high poly sculpt, then retopologized. Features baked normals, full UnityPackage, and fur shader presets and masks. Also include 2 outfits, and 4 antler options. 

The antlers can also be purchased separately

Special thanks to CHILLI for helping with the Unity setup as well as lots of advice along the way.

Ready to upload, but some level of unity knowledge is required for full customization. Features 2 Unity scenes, 1 for personal customization by setting blendshapes, and another with body shape toggles.

The public versions can be found at my VRChat avatar world.

Public versions do not have all customization options


  • Optimized models for PC and Quest
  • Full UnityPackage for easy upload
  • Configured masks for NormalizedCrow’s feather/fur shader
  • 4 body color patterns
  • 2 outfits with 2 color options each
  • 4 antlers, each with 4 color variations
  • Full visemes
  • 5 Facial Expressions
  • 9 body customization blendshapes
  • Blender files, including the baking setup for more advanced customization
  • Substance Painter files for all textures
  • Custom eyeblink animations
  • Ear Puppets

Disclaimer: This was designed with the fur shader in mind and utilizes the fur shader’s cutout feature when the clothing is toggled. Without the fur shader, the base mesh does have minor clipping in the shoulders and legs.

Performance Specs

Good Performance on PC, Medium Performance on Quest. 

Also important note, I do not consider the clothing and antlers to be quest compatible, as adding them will push it into poor performance rating, that being said 3 of the antlers have lower poly quest versions, but they are not officially considered part of the quest versions for performance reasons.

Most Performance intensive PC preset: (wonderland outfit, spikey antlers) Good performance, 29,022 polys, 5 materials.

Individual item polycount/material count

  • PC Base Body: 2 mats, 18,566 polys
  • Hoodie Outfit: 5,292 polys
  • Wonderland Outfit: 2 mats, 8,320 polys
  • Spikey Antlers: 2,136 polys
  • Reindeer Antlers: 1,394 polys
  • Prong Horns: 998 polys
  • White Tail Antlers: 770 polys

  • Quest Base Body: 2 mats, 13,916 polys
  • Quest Reindeer Antlers: 1,062 polys
  • Quest Prong Horns: 842 polys
  • Quest White Tail Antlers: 641 polys

Customization Blendshapes

  • Hide Hare teeth
  • Hide Sharp Teeth
  • Smaller Claws
  • Thicker Waist
  • Smoother Ribs
  • Fem Chest
  • Fem Body
  • Arm Muscles
  • Light Pudge


You May

  • Modify as much as you please (and please show me, I would love to see)
  • Make and sell accessories for the model, as long as they do not include parts of the original model
  • Use in commissions, the Substance Painter files may be shared to the commission artist, if the main model itself or UnityPackage is required, both parties must own the model
  • Make public versions of the avatar, as long as they are modified in some way and have the name of the base in the avatar description

You May Not

  • Redistribute or sell the included assets, even if heavily modified, except if posted in its dedicated channel in my Discord server for this purpose.
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